
Poetry is an Eight-Legged Shuffle

THE BEACH TIMES — The migration of the land crab appears quite poetic. Each year thousands of magenta crustaceans descend to the streets, shiny backs glistening, where in tap-dance-like shuffles they cross towards the sea.

Frumpy Fowl Makes Bad Company

THE BEACH TIMES — As far as birds go, the robin might make a good dinner date. With her coquettish eyes and soft, auburn plumage, one imagines she would be pleasant company. The same could be said about the graceful swan, the peaceful dove, or the resonant nightingale—a creature whose seductive song has long inspired...
Shark Tales: Keepers of the Deep Blue

Shark Tales: Keepers of the Deep Blue

THE BEACH TIMES — Behind a rocky marine crag a small fish hides—quiet, motionless and out of sight. There is no sound, movement, or light. Anywhere else on the planet the trembling creature would likely be safe, yet on the other side looms the shadow of...